

"Decolonizations, Colonizations, and More Decolonizations: The End of Empire in Time and Space." 

Professor Frederick Cooper, NYU


This year's Kaplan speaker will be Frederick Cooper, Professor of History at New York University. Professor Cooper has written extensively on African history as well as colonialism, world history, and the social sciences more broadly. His most recent book is Citizenship, Inequality, and Difference, a history of citizenship's complex evolution from ancient Rome to the present, published this year by Princeton University.


Professor Cooper's 2019 Kaplan lecture will look at the decolonizations of the mid-20th century in relation to the breakup of colonial empires in the Americas in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and the wave of colonization that occurred in between these two events. Roquinaldo Ferreira, Henry Charles Lea Professor of History at the University of Pennsylvania will serve as a respondent and a Q&A session will follow the talk.


Date and Time: April 23, 4:30pm 

Location: 209 College Hall