
Annenberg Seminar in History

Sarah Ghabrial, Concordia University
The Trans-Imperial Courtroom: Multi-Layered Historicities of Law in Colonial Algeria
| College Hall 209

Sarah Ghabrial is assistant professor of history at Concordia University and a fellow at Princeton's Shelly Cullom Davis Center.  She is completing her first book, a social and gender history of the French-colonial administration of Islamic "family law" in Algeria from 1870 to 1930.  It is centrally concerned with how colonial courtrooms functioned as sites of encounter between the colonial state and Algerian subjects, and how these spaces mediated litigants' engagement with local and transnational transformations in Western and Islamic legal cultures.  She is the recipient of an SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, SSHRC Insight Development Grant, and the Canadian Historical Association's John Bullen Thesis Prize.

Read the pre-circulated paper here.