"You Voted. But Did it Really Matter?" A post-election conversation with Mary Frances Berry

In “YOU VOTED. But Did it Really Matter?” a post-electoral conversation hosted on Friday, Nov. 6, by the Clio Society and the Department of History in the School of Arts & Sciences, Berry’s message was: “Voting is just one way of making your voice heard.

“If you only wanted to get rid of Trump, it looks like you got rid of Trump,” she said. “So, if that was what you wanted, you can go off and read a mystery and forget the whole thing.” Regarding policy changes on climate change, race relations, and police reform, however, she said, “the jury is out as to whether you will get anything. First of all, the Senate looks like it’s still going to be under the control of the Republicans, and Mitch McConnell knows how to promote his own agenda.” 


Read the fully story here: https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/does-voting-matter