Conor Donnan Awarded Several Fellowships

Conor Donnan was awarded several fellowships to support his dissertation:

  • The Presidental Grant from the American Catholic Historical Association to attend the AHA in New York. 
  • The Humane Studies Fellowship and the Hayek Fellowship from the Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason.
  • The E. Peter Mauk, Jr./ Doyce B. Nunis Jr. Fellow at the Huntington Library for 2020/2021. 

Conor’s dissertation the interactions of Irish Catholics and Native Americans against the backdrop of American imperial expansion, industrialization, and questions of citizenship in the trans-Mississippi West from 1841 to 1924.  His committee is: Walter Licht (Supervisor); Eiichiro Azuma; Kathy Peiss; and Adolph Reed (Political Science).